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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year From Pavé Weddings!

Pavé Weddings would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! We give a special toast to all of the recent brides, newly engaged, and those anticipating a 2010 wedding. We wish you a wonderful year filled with much happiness and memories that will last a lifetime.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

An Inspiring Color Palette

Color and the accents that you choose truly make a wedding unique. One of the first things that brides choose is the color scheme of their event. From bold, vibrant hues to soft, muted tones, color helps create the ambiance that you desire.

In the early stages of planning as you are deciding on colors, the creation of an inspiration board helps you to visualize your primary and accent colors and how they will work together and enhance one another. I recently put together an inspiration board for a client's September 2010 wedding. She's going for a sense of drama and wants to fill the room with blue uplighting while adding dramatic red accents and black magic roses. When we put together the inspiration board and saw how the colors created the dramatic look that she desired, she knew that she had found her winning color combination.

Are you trying to decide on your wedding colors? The Dessy Group (known for their great selection of bridesmaid dresses), now has a unique tool that allows all brides to play with color and create their own wedding inspiration boards. Visit Dessy's "Styleboard" and you can create your own boards that will inspire a variety of color combinations as you beginning planning the decor and accents that will enhance your wedding vision. I'm excited to see all the new color combinations that will be popular for 2010. Leave a comment and let me know what unique color scheme that you've chosen!

Friday, December 11, 2009

An Old Hollywood Love Affair

Holly is such a fun-loving bride! I recently met with Holly and her mother to discuss wedding details as she prepares for her April wedding at the Orlando Museum of Art. As we were talking, she started showing her engagement photos and I was blown away. They are just stunning! Her wonderful photographer, Leigh Taylor (check out more of her work at www.leigh-taylor.com), used an Old Hollywood vibe to perfectly capture Holly and David's love. I just couldn't resist sharing them with you. I'm excited to be working with such a fun couple and I'm eagerly anticipating their wedding...I know that the event (and photographs) will be just as breathtaking!

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Beachside Rendezvous

Gretchen and Beau truly have a special kind of love. After helping Gretchen choose her amazing Jasmine Couture gown at Solutions Bridal, I had the pleasure of helping her coordinate her Destin beachside wedding. Gretchen and Beau had a gorgeous day! Ryan and Erica from Pure 7 Studios photography did an amazing job of capturing every moment. Their album is finally up and it looks fabulous! Take a look. :)

Gretchen and Beau's Wedding Album

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New York Luxury Comes to Orlando!

If you're looking for a romantic and elegant wedding venue, then the new Waldorf-Astoria is your dream location. The Waldorf-Astoria (along with the new Hilton Orlando) opened this past Thursday. The location, views, and ambiance are truly spectacular. This new addition to our city is the first Waldorf-Astoria since the famous New York Park Avenue location was built in 1931. This luxury hotel will offer all the grandeur and opulence that you desire. Pavé Weddings would be honored to help you plan your wedding as you become one of the first to visit and host your wedding at this exciting new location!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Evening of Glitz and Glamour

I was honored to be a part of "An Evening of Glitz and Glamour" hosted by Solutions Bridal Winter Park and Heather Snively from Weddings Unique. It was a fabulous affair that brought out Orlando and Winter Park's top wedding vendors. With an "Old Hollywood" theme, everyone was dressed in their finest. It was truly a fantastic event...after all, wedding vendors do know how to throw a party! :)

Photos courtesy of Damon Tucci Photography and Shutterbooth Photobooths.