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Friday, July 31, 2009

A True Pavé-Colored Wedding

I recently met with a bride who desired a turquoise and black color scheme for her wedding. Since it is apparent that I love these colors (hence Pavé's logo colors), imagine my excitement! This color combo isn't quite as traditional as others, but it will make a stunning impact and add a unique flair to the reception decor. These colors can be a little dark together sometimes, so we even played with the idea of adding a hint of color to the flowers to brighten up the area and really make the colors stand out. Take a look at this inspiration board and let me know your thoughts!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Become A Fan!

Pavé Weddings now has a Facebook page! Stay updated with all of our events and recent weddings. Become a fan today and show everyone why a Pavé Wedding radiates brilliance!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Down The Aisle With Style

Looking for a great way to spice up your ceremony? Well, take a look at this video. I just thought it was fabulous!! What a creative couple...and I only can only imagine how much fun the reception was. This video truly lets you see that there are so many ways to make your wedding unique and create an event that you, your family, and friends will remember for years to come. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Modern Touch

Do you desire a chic look for your wedding? Well then you'll love one of the current wedding trends...wedding lounge furniture!!!! I am in love with the amazing look that they add to a wedding! Guests appear in awe as they step away from the usual reception tables and dance floor and find themselves in a separate, chic oasis. Whether you want a fun nightclub feel, an intimate space for your guests to relax, or just another exciting décor element added to your wedding, wedding lounge furniture is a beautiful and modern way to enhance your reception. As long as you have an imagination, the possibilities are endless. Here's some exciting lounge area ideas courtesy of the TheKnot.com.

Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Stacey Feldman from AFR Event Furnishings here in Orlando. She allowed me to see all of the amazing pieces that they offer. From sleek and modern furniture perfect for an urban chic event to plush couches that add just a touch of sophistication, they have it all. I love them over there at AFR! Here's a photo sample of some of my favorite pieces. :)